Pakistani actress Mahira Khan has shared her wedding highlights on Instagram in the form of video and photos after being tied up in a wedding.
Mahira Khan is married to her longtime friend and businessman Saleem Karim, after which she is trending on social media.
Mahira Khan shared her wedding highlights on Instagram in the form of video and wrote, “My Prince Saleem.”In the video, Mahira Khan and her husband Salim Karim appear to accept each other in marriage.
In addition, both spouses can be seen in a romantic way in the video, while his son Azlan along with Mahira Khan were also seen.
Similarly, in his second post, Mahira Khan shared more photos of her wedding in which she is dressed in beautiful and valuable luxuries.On the other hand, after the marriage of Mahira Khan, many estimates are being made about the price of her haul, but Pakistani media claims that the actress’s marriage will cost 30 to 35 million Pakistani rupees.
Salem Karim and Mahira Khan were alleged to have met in 2017 at the launch of a television application called Tap Med.
Subsequently, Mahira Khan and Saleem Karim engaged in Turkey in 2019, which was attended by only close relatives.
Mahira Khan unseen mayun pictures