Ayesha Khan’s leading actress of Pakistan showbiz industry has gone viral on social media. Pakistan’s famous actress Ayesha Khan looks quite active on social media and is often sharing her photos and videos. Recently, photos and video sharing app Actress Ayesha Khan on Instagram shared new photos in which she can be seen watching beautiful scenes outside the window.Renowned actor Danish Timor said of his first meeting with his wife Ayesha Khan that Aiza was so beautiful that she could not blink for the first time.
In an interview to private TV, the host asked Danish Timor about his love and love for him and the first meeting, in response to which Danish Timur said that my first meeting with Ayesha was at the time of the audition, both of us. The place went to audition.
Danish Timor said that Aisha was still very beautiful at that time, I could not blink my eyes for the first time seeing Aiza, at that time I thought that Aisha looks half beautiful on the screen because in fact she looks more cute than that. Had been there
Talking about marriage and relationship with the actress on the other hand, Danish said, “I have never been proud of my popularity because I have never been proud of myself from the beginning, I never allowed Aisha to feel that.” That I have become a huge star and you have the beginning, perhaps this is the reason we are still together and to this day we have the same relationship as before.
It should be noted that Ayesha Khan and Danish Timur were involved in a marriage in 2014, which has a son and a daughter.
Ayeza khan looking beautiful in new outfit